How to construct the reno mattress under the slope protection

1. Material transportation: Renault pads are mechanically produced and have been assembled, molded, and packaged with mesh covers before leaving the factory. All Renault pads, whether folded, bound or rolled, are a standalone unit. The mesh pad is folded, molded, and packaged in the factory for easy shipping processing. The main body of the mesh pad and the mesh cover can be tied separately. The binding wire is provided in the form of rolls. The circular buttons are packed in a box and transported together. To ensure quality, please place them in a dry environment.


2. Installation requirements: Place the folded Renault pad on a flat ground and unfold it, flatten any excess creases, and erect the front and rear panels, bottom plates, and partitions in a certain position, forming a box shape. The upper and lower corners of adjacent crates are connected with double stranded composite wires, and the upper and lower frame lines or broken lines are tied and tightened with spiral fixing wires. The protruding part of the edge needs to be folded and flattened. Assemble the six sides and partitions of each cage completely, ensure that each mesh surface is flat, and then place it in the correct position.


3. Tightening process: Connect the edge of the Renault pad with other parts using binding wires, with a maximum spacing of 300mm. There are special specifications that customers can request from the factory, and we will meet your needs. Wrap a sufficiently long binding wire along the edge wire, which can be either single or double stranded. We recommend using pliers for assembly to make the Renault pad more secure.


4. Safety and materials: After installation, place the Renault pad in the designated position, and then connect the various mesh pads. In order to maintain the overall structure for easy connection, empty boxes can be connected before loading stones. We provide binding wire or circular fastening wire when connecting. When protecting the slope, it is necessary to use a Renault pad that is perpendicular to the width of the slope. In addition to being used for gentle slopes in river channels, Renault pads can also be used for steep slopes. When used for steep slope protection, hardwood wedges should be inserted every 2m or according to engineering requirements on the upper floor. The empty Renault pad needs to be carefully placed and assembled.mattress drawing

Post time: May-31-2023